If you are a homemade greeting card enthusiast, then you know how much fun it can be, and a handmade card probably means more to most people than a store-bought card! Plus, making greeting cards can be therapeutic and it’s lots of fun! It is a nice way to pass the time, and handmade cards always brighten people’s days! Even folks who throw cards away after a while, will usually keep the handmade ones!
Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine
As Russian forces attack Ukraine, civilians suffer. When those affected flee their homes and seek shelter, many will rely upon humanitarian aid from charities on the ground. You can help by purchasing products from the Team Ukrainian site.

As a writer of greeting card verses, amongst other things, I felt that there are many people out there who are making homemade Christmas Cards, and they don’t know quite what to write inside! On the outside, you can obviously write:
Christmas Baskets
Holiday Baskets
Season’s Greetings!
Happy Holidays
Wishing You a Merry Christmas!
Holiday Greetings to You
You might use all capital letters or both capital and lower case, and you might choose to use exclamation points or not! It’s really up to you!
My name is Father Time, a self-help writer and speaker, and I also write many things for others as a ghost writer! At www.FatherTimePublishing.com we have many awesome gift items, and also some great gift baskets!
At this time of year, it is especially good to do random acts of kindness, although we should all be doing these all year long! Here Are Some FREE Christmas Card Verses YOU Can Use inside your own homemade cards!
There are several FREE Christmas Card Verses and you can use them however you wish to use them! It’s Good Karma! Aren’t you happy that you landed on this ArticlesBase.com piece? You may even be reading it elsewhere after it got re-posted!
Here is a great FREE Christmas Card verse of a general nature:
Merry Christmas to You, My Friend!…… It’s a wonderful time of the year!…… A time for Happiness, Joy, and Friends!…… A time for lots of Cheer!…… Wanted to wish you the very best!……. Now and the whole year through…… Also wanted to say that I am…… Glad to have a friend like you!
There are many more FREE Christmas card verses that you can use on my website, and I hope that you will help yourself! Remember that making and sending handmade Christmas cards is a great way to spread sunshine to others!
Many Blessings!