The one day of the year that is a sure certainty to put any man running is Valentines Day. This is the one day where they are to find a unique way to show their special lady that they are special and the only one. Many men just go with the usual gifts of stuffed animals, flowers and chocolates. You don’t have to fall into the same old gifts like the rest of the guys. You can give her something different and fun that she will absolutely love.
Gift baskets are a sure fire way to give her special treats that will tickle her heart and win her over. You can do just about anything with a gift basket and the great part is, you can make it yourself without having to spend a fortune. You can fill the basket with anything you like and make it personally tailored to just her.
The first thing you will need to do is find the perfect basket. Most major stores such as Wal-Mart, Kmart, Sears and any craft store will have a variety of baskets to choose from. You will need to get a basket that is big enough for the gifts that you will be putting in the basket. Something with a little color is always a good way to go and you can choose a basket with color that matches something in her place so she can use it possible in her bathroom for linens or something else.
Then you will need to decide what to put in the basket. You can make it all romantic gifts such as candles or incense with some flutes (champagne glasses) or wine glasses. You can also add in a bottle of bubble or wine to match with the glasses and add in some cheese and crackers as well as a cheese cutter. Then the two of you can enjoy a romantic treat together and she has some gifts that she can use year round.
You can make the basket filled with all sorts of things for her to pamper herself with such as scented lotions, bubble bath, shower gels and some scented candles so she can take a candle lit bubble bath. Don’t forget to throw in something shiny such as earrings or a bracelet as jewelry is always a winner with women, especially if you take the time to match it with her favourite outfits or with some of her existing jewelry she likes to wear most often.
The best thing to do is pack the basket full of things that she likes – and all this will require is a bit of subtle research and fact finding on your part. If you need help with what to do with this type of gift you can always ask her friends or family on what she likes. They can give you some great ideas of things that she likes and then you will be sure to have a gift that is a great hit and shows her how special she is to you.