Well the big date is just around the corner, and your asking me, Valentines day what to do oh what to do. Have you got a date thats great, now its valentines day, what to do for the special day is on your mind. Well don’t you worry buddy, because i am going to answer your question Valentines day what to do? and give you some ideas, obviously you do not have to go along with them, but i do think they are some great ideas. Even so you will get other ideas from just reading my ideas and you will soon get the ball rolling. Ok you, lets get you some ideas and answer your question Valentines day what to do.
Before i do start. let me just say well done on planning ahead, a woman hates nothing more than a man that cannot plan, it will just look like you haven’t made any effort.
Reenact your first date
Ok this one is for couples who have been together for awhile now, but why not reenact your first date. This is such a romantic thing to do, i did this for my girlfriend on our 5th year anniversary and she was emotional, in a good way and she loved it. Simply because i remembered all the little details. Women love men who remember details from the past. Exchange gifts with her and tell her how much she means to you and how much you love her.
Book yourself into a hotel
Yes thats right, make out like your out of town tourist, treat it as a mini holiday, pamper yourselves, head out to town for a meal and then to the hotel bar. Then retire upstairs to your room and have some fun together. The main thing here is to relax.
Go to the park and have a picnic Alot of people seem to forget about lunch on Valentines Day, but it can bea great way to have some fun and get out during the day! Pack a picnic basket with all of your favourite foods, and find somewhere picturesque to share lunch. Whether you feed each other or just spend the time talking, you are sure to have a great time! Don’t forget that it is February and it is cold outside, so do wrap up!!
So these are just a couple of ideas, and i hope this answers your question Valentines day what to do. I have more articles so do be sure to click on my author bio
Source by Simon Anderson